Suffixes | Combining Forms | Medical Terms | Pathology of the Skin (integumentary system | Miscellanous |
What is -pathy or path/o
any disease, suffering, feeling or emotion
What is skin?
dermato, derm/o or cutane/o
What hypercalcemia?
a condition of having abnormally high concentration of calcium in the blood
What is alopecia?
Partial or complete loss of hair that occurs mostly on the head
What is polyphagia?
Describes the excessive hunger
What is -ologist, -iatrist, or -ist
means specialist
What is adren/o?
adrenal glands
What is dura mater?
thick, tough, outermost membrane of the meninges is known as the________
What is a debridement?
The procedure for the removal of dirt, damaged tissue, and cellular debris.
What is Shaken baby syndrome?
The condition of a child being violently shaken by someone is known as what syndrome? The action can cause brain injury, fractures, blindness, death, etc
What is -itis
What is acr/o?
What is encephalitis?
inflammation of the brain
What is pruritus?
The medical term of itching
What is varicella
What condition is known as chickenpox?
What is -megaly
What is somat/o?
What is Croup?
an acute respiratory infection of children and infants is characterized as
What is rhytidectomy?
Which procedure is also known as a facelift?
What is cataract?
What is the loss of transparency of the lens of the eye called?
What is -phagia
What is glyc/o?
What is azoospermia?
The absence of sperm in the semen
What is necrotizing fasciitis
Severe infection caused by Group A strep bacteria which are also known as flesh-eating bacteria
What is lordosis?
abnormal condition of the lumbar spine is also known as swayback