Workplace Safety | Drugs | Dental Health | Insurance | CPR |
Who is the school nurse
Who do you call if you have a question about Personal protective equipment?
What is depressants (downers), stimulants (uppers), and hallucinogens
What are the three classes of drugs based on their effect on the Central Nervous System?
What is twice a day
How often should you brush your teeth?
What is premium
What do you pay for a top of the line item?
What is Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
What does CPR stand for?
What is Protective
What does the second "P' stand for in PPE ?
What is cirrhosis
The term describing the damage to the liver that takes place as a result of the abuse of alcohol?
What is every 3 months or when it looks worn
How often should you change your toothbrush?
What is deductable
A term for an expense that is excluded from what your health plan covers.
What is Airway, Breathing, Circulation
What do the ABCs stand for in CPR?
What is goggles/safety glasses
This type of PPE is worn in the face to protect the eyes from splashes
What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
The number one cause of mental retardation in the U.S. which is 100% preventable?
What is 2 minutes
How long should you brush your teeth?
What is co-pay
What you are doing if you and another person share the cost of an item.
What is 30 compressions to 2 breaths
What is the compression/breath ratio for adult CPR?
What is anytime there is contact with bodily fluids
When should PPE be worn?
What is shower, exercise, drink coffee
Name one myth about how to sober up.
What is coffee, tea, wine
What three beverages stain your teeth?
What is nothing
The difference between the Affordable Care Act and Obamacare?
What is The Good Samaritan Law
What law protects you in an emergency situation
What is gloves
Types of this PPE can be made of cotton, vinyl, or nitrile?
What is amount/size of drinks, food, gender, body size, drugs in system/interaction
Identify 2 of the 5 factors that influence alcohol absorption.
What is 40%
What percent of your teeth remain untouched if you do not floss?
What is True
Since September 2010, health insurers cannot deny insurance to children, younger than 19 with pre-existing conditions T or F
What is Automated external defibrillator
What does AED stand for?