cognitive bias | things you should do in social media | things you should not do | social media facts | mental health |
What is media
what are three cognitive bias
What is read the whole article
what we should do before reposting an article
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest ,Sina Weibo
what are three social media apps
What is Addiction, anxiety, and depression
what are some mental issues that are caused by social media
What is personal opinions, fake news, immodest post
what's one thing you should not be posting
What is 15%
what percentage of self harm rates are from social media
What is people we know
who should we sharing our social media with
What is
how many users use face book
are algorithms designed to detect hate speech and fake news
What is false
true or false: you should believe everything on social media
What is 142
what is the average time ( minutes ) a day
What is protect user data and marketing
what is artificial intelligence roll in social media
What is False
true or false: children are more safe than adults from being addicted to social media
What is 60%
what present of users on snapchat are under 25
What is addiction
what psychological manipulation comes with social media