Endocrine Disorders Causes | Signs and symptoms | Diabetes |
What is Diabetes Insipidus
Disorder caused by deficiency of ADH
What is Cushing syndrome
Buffalo hump, moon-shaped face, weight gain
What is glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C)
Lab test used to monitor diabetes control over 2-3 months
What is acromegaly
Excess of growth hormone that affects adults
What is Addison disease
Hypotension, bronze appearance
What is Kussmaul respirations
Deep, sighing respiratory pattern caused by DKA is called
What is hyperthyroidism
Excessive amounts of thyroid hormone
What is hyperthyroidism
Weight loss, tremor, exophthalmos
What is BG control
Best way to prevent or delay kidney disease for diabetic patients
What is accidental removal of parathyroid glands during thyroidectomy
Most common cause of hypoparathyroidism
What is hypothyroidism
Lethargy, weight gain, feeling cold
What is 70
Hypoglycemia is a BG level below what level?
What is Cushing syndrome
Caused by exposure to excess cortisol
What is acromegaly
Enlarged hands & feet, headaches, dysphagia
What is polydipsia, polyuria, and polyphagia
What are the 3 classic symptoms of diabetes (3 Ps)?