Vaccines and Discoverys | Inventors and such.. | Other | Career |
Who's polio Vaccine was most effective?
Bifocals trasmition of common cold
What did Benjamin Franklin contribute to medicine?
Dna and hereditary info
Explain Crick and Watson's medical advancement.
Occupation is a person's job to earn a living.
True or false |
Edward Jenner
Who invented the vaccine for smallpox?
Da vinci
Who drew the Vitruvian man?
Ether nitrous oxide and chloriform
What 3 chemicals made surgery and procedures painless
A career is a person's job to earn a living.
True or false |
Joseph Priestley
Who discovered oxygen?
What did René Laënnec contribute medicine?
During the Crimean War what illness did Nightingale see more than war injuries?
A person that has two different proffessional certificates or licenses
What is a multicompetent worker
Louis Pastear
Who invented the vaccine for rabies?
What did Joseph Lister invent?
American red cross
What organization started from the Treaty of Geneva
C. Job security
What is one of the 10 career values
A. Team player B. Willing to accept criticism C. Job security D. Honesty |
TEchnology for x ray
What did Willhem Roentgen invent?
Database for missing soldiers
What did Clara Barton contribute to medicine?
A. Enthusiasm
What is one example of the 13 personality traits
A. Enthusiasm B. Wages C. Recognition D. Home life |