Customary Units of Length | Customary Units of Capacity | Customary Units of Weight | Metric Units of Length | Metric units of Capacity & Mass |
12 inches
How many inches are in 1 foot?
4 cups
How many cups equal 2 pints?
16 ounces
How many ounces are equal to a pound?
20 cm
How many centimeters are in 2 decimeters?
1,000 ml
How many milliliters equals 1 liters?
9 yards
How many feet equal 3 yards?
12 quarts
How many quarts are in 3 gallons?
Which unit would be best to measure to weight of a car?
300 cm
3 meters is equal to how many centimeters?
4,000 g
How many grams are in 4 kilograms?
11 inches
What is the height of your math textbook in inches?
12 cups
How many cups are in 3 quarts?
1040 ounces
Joshua weighs 65 pounds. How many ounces does Joshua weigh?
Which would be the most appropriate unit to measure the distance from Jersey City to Orlando, Florida?
2,100 liters
Which is greater 2,100 milliliters or 2 liters
144 inches
How many inches equals 4 yards?
30 gallons
What is the best estimate for the capacity of a bath tub. 3 gallons or 30 gallons?
4,000 pounds
How many pounds are in 2 ton?
1,000 mm
How many millimeters are in 1 meter?
They are equal
Which is greater 3 kilograms or 3,000 grams?
9 inches
The perimeter of a square is 36 inches. What is the length of one of the sides?
3 cups
A lemonade recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar and 1 quart of water. This recipe makes 4 servings. If you want to make 12 servings, how many cups of sugar will you need?
6 ounces
A dozen baseballs weigh 72 ounces. How many ounces does 1 baseball weigh?
190 dm
A building was 19 meters tall. How tall was the same building in decimeters?
32 kg
Nalline says that she has a mass of 32 kg on the Earth. What is her mass on the moon?