Knock, Knock - WHO'S There | Name that File | Price is RIGHT | Now where did I put my keys… |
What is Deal Pursuit Organization
The acronym DPO means
What is the GCPLA (Google Cloud Platform Licensing Agreement)
This contract document can no longer be executed, yet is likely valid for use
What is Consumption
The go/dpo_dealtool evaluates deals beginning with what dollar model
What is Deal Academy
The majority of deal related training modules can be found where?
What is DSS (Deal Strategy Support)
This group is the first line of defense for all deal pursuit requests
What is MAPS
The service schedule that is not included in our template CMA
What is $>10M TCV and $>3M ACV
This dollar threshold triggers an Enterprise Agreement
What is 4
The number of accounting team members that support all of NAMER
What is Master Agreement (CMA/GCPLA) and Order Form
The two types of files that are only required once per customer
What is GCAM
This acronym is the go-to desk resource for all deal approvals
What is Sales
The team most empowered with authority when executing a deal start to finish ($400)
What is GCP Terms of Service
This agreement is typically tied to usage via credit card payment
What is 11%
FSM has authority up to this EDP discount authority on a $9M over 3 year deal
What is OMPF
The team responsible for booking/implementing a deal
What is 1.5
This weighted multiplier is tied to PSF funds
What is go/cloudcommitwhatcounts
When pitching the benefits of an EA to a customer, this go link is highly useful