Financial Aid | Campus | I've Got Class | Who's Who | Know the Lingo |
What is the FASFA?
Students must fill out this form if they want to receive money from the federal government for their education.
What is the College Store?
This place can help students buy books, get a snack, or buy MCC gear.
What is is a syllabus?
This document is the place where students can see their assignments, due dates, the professor’s contact information, office hours, and more.
Who is an Advisor?
If you want help registering for classes, who should you ask for help?
What is a Transcript?
An official list of classes you have taken from at a college.
What is a Scholarship?
Money given based on your grades or service you have given (It doesn’t have to be paid back).
What is Spruce Hall?
Science classes are held in this wing of MCC.
What are office hours?
Most professors will post these (times you can speak with your professor) outside their office door.
Who is a Financial Aid Advisor?
If a student is unsure how they will pay for college, who should they go see?
What is grade point average or GPA?
A number that indicates how well or how high you scored in your courses on average. (Hint it's listed on your transcript.)
What is a loan?
What do you call money used for college that you have to pay back?
What is at the end of Cottonwood Hall, or Cottonwood 106?
The Tutoring Center is found here.
What are credit hours?
In college, classes are assigned these. More are assigned to difficult or time-consuming classes and less are assigned to easier courses. You need 12 of these to be considered a full-time student and six to be considered a part-time student.
Who is my professor?
If you are unhappy with the grade you received on your quiz, who is the first person you should talk to?
What are hybrid or hyflex classes?
Classes you can attend in person or on zoom.
What is the college opportunity fund or COF?
Money that the state of Colorado pays toward your tuition if you are an in-state resident.
What is the east entrance?
Use this entrance if you want to go to the Welcome Center.
What are prerequisites?
Requirements that students must meet, or classes students must take before they can enroll in a given course.
Who is a tutor from the Tutoring Center?
If you want help improving your academic skills, whose help should you seek out?
What are accommodations?
Special arrangements the college agrees to make for students with disabilities.
What is a grant?
Money that students receive from the state or federal government (based on their need) that they don’t have to pay back.
What is by the east parking lot.
Where can you find a roadrunner statue?
What is pay for them yourself?
CoPS stands for course to program of study. It means that your financial aid will only pay for classes required for your program. If you take classes outside your program, you will have to do this.
Who is Curt Freed?
The president of Morgan Community College.
What is Better Mynd?
If students have mental health needs, MCC has this resource where you can talk to a licensed professional counselor.