Geographic Settings | Features of Mayan Civilizations | Government | Architecture |
What is Mesoamerica
An ancient name referring to Present Day Mexico and Northern Central America
What is food
Cities depended on farmers for this type of supply
Who is a The Ruler
The responsibilities of leadership and offering blood sacrifices to the Gods belong to this leader of another name
What is a roof comb or stone carving
The building were often topped with is type of roof
What are Rivers
Mayan Civilizations settled in Tropical rain forests because they didn't have many of these
What are Mayan Cities
These were considered home for as many as 100,000 people
What are Hieroglyphics?
Like the Egyptians before them, Mayans used this type of artistry to communicate their writings
What are Temples
Unlike the Egyptians pyramids that have this at the bottom, Mayan pyramids have these at the top
What are Canals
Mayans dug these to bring water to their raised crops
What is stone
wide plazas and courts for ball games in the cities were made of this splendid material
What are Calendars?
Using their knowledge and mathematical skills, the Mayans made these very accurate
What are Mayan Cities
Palaces and Temples were the most important in all of these
What is 365
The Solar Calendar we have today is based on this amount of days
What are Tropical Birds
In hieroglyphics and depicted wearing fine clothing, Mayan high-ranking officials were often painted with this feather animal?