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What is mand training?
The topic of January's CS Led ATM
What is direct parents to the scheduling department?
Parents ask you if you are available to have longer sessions
What is motivating operation
M.O. stands for...
What is 3-step guided compliance?
Tell, show, do procedure
What is antecedent, behavior, & consequence?
ABC stands for...
What is tacting?
Commenting on the environment
What is to assist in providing quality training of ESSC associates?
Parents ask you why another BI is coming to overlap you
What is 0-3 seconds?
A reinforcer can be considered delivered effectively if delivered within...
What is 15 minutes?
The amount of time at the beginning of the session to prepare data sheets and materials
What is sensory/automatic, escape, access, tangible?
The 4 functions of behavior (SEAT)
What is the PIT?
The "how to" run a program is found
What is 5?
The number of NPA lock dates in the month of May
What is deprivation?
A state that makes a particular reinforcer more valuable
What is priming?
Preparing a person for what is coming using words or pictures
What is extinction?
Withholding items or activities that previously reinforced a behavior
What is the Scheduling Quicksheet?
Contains information on how to request time off and changes in availability
What is send in an NPA update?
I ran late to session today so I need to...
What is providing small amounts of reinforcers or varying types of reinforcement?
Guarding against satiation
What is least to most?
The last time you ran an item the participant responded independently, however, you run the item again and they require prompting, you should use the _______ to _______ intrusive prompt hierarchy to select the prompt you will use
What is escape?
Reinforcing a mand for "all done" or "break" might be a recommended strategy for the this behavior function
What is an intraverbal?
Responding to a question, commenting, conversational speech
What is refer to the Scheduling Quicksheet?
I need to call out sick today and I don't know who to inform
What is differential reinforcement?
Desired behaviors are reinforced while inappropriate behaviors are placed on extinction
What is the Current Items List?
This paper tracks targets that are mastered, in acquisition, and to be introduced
What is the BIP Snapshot?
This paper contains antecedent modifications and consequent manipulations for a behavior problem