Maxine’s Cartoons | Music Taste of Maxine | Greek Gods | Tik Tok | Maxine Randomness |
What is Steven Universe
In what cartoon, did a red woman with a box shaped hair cut marry her blue haired lesbian lover
What is indie and pop
What has been the top two genres on Maxine’s Spotify for two years in a row?
What is Apollo
Who is the Greek God of the Sun?
What is it’s broken
Oh no, our table…
What is Maroon
What’s my favorite color?
What is Teen Titans
What superhero cartoon was ended on a cliffhanger and later remade, never to address the cliffhanger again.
What is Industry Baby by Lil Nas X
What is the last song Maxine added to her playlist:
a.) Big Shot from Deltarune b.) Meet Me at Our Spot (live) by Willow c.) Industry Baby by Lil Nas X d.) I Love You So by the Walters |
What is Hecate
Who is the Greek Goddess of Witchcraft?
What is Right Here
Cause I’m…
What is French Fries
What’s my favorite food?
What is Catdog
Animals attached at the hip: LITERALLY
What is Steven Universe
What is the cartoon that Maxine pulls most of her instrumental music from?
What is Zeus and Hera
Who are the parents of twin gods Artemis and Apollo?
What is uh oh a couple of 8 year olds are mouthing off, should we fight them YOU BETCHA. a couple of round house kicks later we got all their tickets, grand Prize? AB-SO-LUTELY. THEN picnic on the train tracks. ON THE, TRAIN TRACKS. two more four lokos, thats four lokos, thats loko. locomotive, here comes the train! doesnt matter, we're done eating. chase that train FOR MIIIILEs. trains too fast, cant catch it, thats ok. We'll sit by the highway and throw marbles at passing cars.
so heres what im thinking
you, me, two four lokos, chuck e cheese, skeeball… |
What is Peas
What is a food that I can ABSOLUTELY NOT EAT
What is American Dad
What adult cartoon featured an American family and their grey Robot friend
What is Bellyache
What Billie Elilish song is Maxine humming?
What is Athena and Ares
Who are the two Greek gods of war?
What is that much cause it takes me fucking hours
It costs…
What is
How many songs do I have in my Spotify playlist?
What is Infinity Train
What cartoon on HBO max released this banger of a song.
What is Coffee by Beabadobee
What song has Maxine streamed over 3,000 times that Ayana DESPISES (Ayana let Alyissa answer)
What is Poseidon
What Greek God had many cyclops children
What is that I never touched my balls
If I can prove…