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What is turkey
What is English
What is 1:20
son las uno y vienta
What is Jaime Escalante
what is the teachers name
What is towel boy
what was Cesar Faz's job at the cardinals
What is puree de papas
mashed potato's
What is theater
What is 4:55
son las cautro y cincuenta
What is computers
what was Jaime hired to teach
What is padre esteban
who started the team
What is eat
What is physics
What is 9:00
son las nueve
What is taking their creditability
what is the state threatening to take
What is walked
how did they get to their first game
What is plates
What is shop
What is 3:30
son las trece y trienta
What is 3
passing score on the AP test
What is el paso texas
where was one of their games
What is hunt
What is civics
What is 7:40
son las siete y cuarenta
What is same wrong answers
why are the kids accused of cheating
What is white house
where did they get to go for winning