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What is 20
How many rings were made
who is Ms. Larson
tall and red hair
What is instagram
Who is Richie
water dump
What is reading
so many so little time
What is 87
How old is Aragorn
Who is Mrs. West
obsessed with ear wax
What is Clash of clans
The Hockey bros
Who is Miah
Books books
What is playing on his Iphone
too much to one not enough to another
What is Mithril
What kind of coat does Bilbo give Frodo
Who is Mr. Quin
What is castle doom bad
how torturous
Who is Nathan
F--- off
What is video games
---> <--- Y X A B
What is Hasty
Finish this quote "don't be too _____ now
Who is Ms. Witzel
Loud write your name
What is creatures of olympus
Kindle creatures
Who is John
He was not from highcroft but still was
What is eating
can't live without it yet still fun
Who is Manwë
Name one god
Who is Mrs. Ritchie
Twice/ once in a life time
What is jib jab
Now and then dancing
Who is Henry
small and not weak
What is watching a movie
you must see it to believe it