Astrology | Chicago Architecture | Current Events | This and That | Cereal |
What sign has a deadly sting?
Scorpio (Scorpion)
What campus is the Frederick C. Robie House located?
On the campus of the University of Chicago.
What famous religious figure is visiting the United States now?
Pope Francis
What planet is Spock from?
What is the name of the cereal that is named after a vampire?
Count Chocula
What is the sign of the goat?
What is the most famous building to survive the Great Chicago Fire in 1871?
The Water Tower
What celebrity won a law suit against a grocery astore chain?
Michael Jordan
What is Kathy's doomed lover in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights?
What character has his eyebrows on a hat?
Captain Crunch
What is the sign of someone with a birthday between March 21 - April 19?
What popular Chicago style home was influenced by Frank Lloyd Wright?
The Bungalow
What type of increase will the city of Chicago impose that will be the largest in history to-date?
Property Tax
What BBC (British Broadcasting Company) series is about a time traveling alien?
Doctor Who
What cereal is most often called "magically delicious"?
Lucky Charms
What astrological sign would you eat on Good Friday?
Pisces (Fish)
What was designated as one of the first official Chicago Landmarks?
Glessner House
What is the name of the company that raised the price of Daraprim (from $13.50 per pill to $750 per pill)?
Turing Pharma
What Hogwarts House does Harry Potter belong?
Gryffindor House
Which cereal was promoted with the lines 'I'm not gonna try it... Let's get Mikey. He hates everything'?
What season is Taurus?
Spring (April 20 - May 20)
What university library was featured in the movie Divergent?
The University of Chicago Library
What new pre-human species is revealed according to Disaster & Science News?
Homo naledi
What is a picture of oneself taken and is posted online?
What cereal company was the first to introduce the idea of a prize inside a cereal box?