Powers of 10 | Estimating Sums | Estimating Products | Miscellaneous |
They are numbers that can be expressed as products whose factors are 10.
What are Powers of 10?
Name 3 numbers that are Powers of 10. |
A sum is the answer to an addition problem.
A sum is the answer to an addition problem.
What is the definition of a sum? Give an example. |
A factor is a digit used in a multiplication problem.
A product is the answer to a multiplication problem.
What is a factor? What is a product? Give examples for both.
Grant Street.
On our field trip to Chinatown, What was the name of the main street we were walking on?
An exponent tells how many times 10 is used as a factor.
What does an exponent tell you?
sum: 1,243
True or false: the sum of 558+467+218 is over 1,500.
255 = 300
300 * 4 = 12,000
The average person eats 255 eggs per year. About how many eggs might an average family of four eat in one year? ESTIMATE!
The result obtained by adding several quantities together and then dividing this total by the number of quantities.
During our Estimating Products lesson, we discussed the "Average American". What does average mean?
Write 1 billion in scientific notation.
estimate: 100+250+350 = 700
exact: 712
Find the estimated sum and exact sum for:
hundred thousands
560*800 =
Estimate whether the answer will be in the 10s, 100s, 1,000s,10,000s, or 100,000s. Why? |
Multiplication Baseball
Name That Number Salute Around The World
List three math games we play in class.
What does 10^0 equal? Why?
Driving times are not as reliable. There may be bad weather, traffic, road construction, and so on that will cause time to change.
During our U.S. driving trip, what are two reasons why we estimated driving times?
10 * 400 = 4,000 pounds
Ms. Ma eats 8 pounds of food in one day. How many pounds of food will she eat in one year? Please estimate.
What is a polygon with 7 sides called?
1,000 * 100,000 = 100,000,000
What is 10^3 * 10^5 ?
Ms. Ma will explain the question on the whiteboard.
It can have up to 4 digits.
How many digits can the product of two 2-digit numbers have? Give examples.
Shasta, Serrano, Ohlone, Yokuts, Mohave and Quechan
Name the five Native Californian Tribes that were presented in class.