Coordinates and Designs | Operations on Decimals Numbers | Geometry and Measurement | Decimals,Fraction and Percent | Probability |
X and Y.
X is horizontal and Y is vertical.
What are the letters used to represent the cartesian plane axis and what direction do they go?
BEDMAS. Brackets/Exponents/Division/Multiplication/Addition/
What is the order of operation? And what do they stand for?
Pa:Lines that never intersect (same distance apart)
Pe:Lines that intersect at a right angle and only a right angle.
Explain parallel and perpendicular line segments.
Decimals Percent and Fractions
List the "Three Amigos"
Tree diagram and a Table Chart
What can you use to organize outcomes?
Quadrant 1,2,3,4.
What are the names of the quadrants?
You count the total amount of numbers behind the decimal in the question.
How do you know the amount of numbers behind the decimal in a MULTIPLACATION answer without doing the question?
What is the formula to find the area of a parallelogram?
Calculating Percent
What is the Box method used for?
P (5 or 6)
What letter do we use to represent probability? Capital or Lower-case?
What are the coordinates of the origin?
What are the first three place values after the decimal?
A=bh (divided by) 2
What is the formula to find the area of a triangle?
A decimal that never ends and constantly repeats the same numbers. The bar notation is used to represent a repeating decimal.
What are repeating decimals and the bar notation?
T-what would happen in theory, or what is expected
E- the results from conducting an experiment
What is the difference between Theoretical and Experimental?
What are the three types of transformations?
Front-End and Relative?
What are the two types of rounding?
A line that 'cuts' an angle exactly in half.
What is an angle bisector?
Divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number)
How do you convert fractions into decimals?
The outcome that you want to happen or is favoured.
What is a favorable outcome?
Mirror, Windmill, Cars...
Name 3 real life example of transformation.
List 4 words as you can related to word problems and the four operations.
Where the base and the height intersect at a right angle.
Where do we find a perpendicular line segment in a parallelogram?
P-D: Divide by 100
D-P: Multiply by 100
How do you convert Percents to Decimals and vise-versa?
A list of all of the probable outcomes.
What is sample space?