Labor and Delivery | Newborn | Postpartum | Antenatal | Pediatrics |
What is normal fetal heart rate?
110-160 BPM
What are symptoms of a CHD?
Murmur and tachypnea
When is Rhogam indicated?
Rh negative mom, Rh positive NB, negative direct coombs
What is ovulation?
Occurrence around the 14th day of cycle
What are complications of Group A Strep?
APSGN and rheumatic fever
What is GTPAL?
What is folic acid?
Mineral to prevent myelomeningocele
What is the APGAR score?
Heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex response and color
What is spinbarkheit?
Cervical mucous is thin and elastic
What are signs of digoxin toxicity
Bradycardia, lethargy, N/V, poor feeding
What is intervention for shoulder dystocia?
McRobert's Maneuver
What is FAS?
Newborn with a smooth philtrum and thin upper lip
What is lochia serosa?
Pinkish vaginal drainage 4 days postpartum
What is Nagele's rule
LMP-3 months + 7 days
What is Cushings triad?
Bradycardia, rising blood pressure, and widening pulse pressure
What is Group B Strep?
Risk factor for Newborn sepsis
What is hypoglycemia in the NB?
Blood sugar under 45
What is uterine atony related to bladder distention?
Fundus displaced to the right and boggy
What is Magnesium Sulfate?
Drug to prevent seizures in woman with PIH
What is a symptom of DHD?
Unequal knee heights
What is a reactive NST?
2 accelerations in 20 minutes
What are complications of cold stress?
Hypoglycemia, hyperbilirubinemia, respiratory distress, and acidosis
What is a sign of postpartum infection?
Temp of 100.8 F on day 1 postpartum
What is autosomal recessive inheritance?
One in four chance of child inheriting a disease
Bedrest, keep leg straight, pressure dressing
Measures to prevent bleeding post cardiac catheterization