labs, and Xray. | assessment of the newborn | Adaptations to pregnancy | Nursing judgement |
What is 40 - 60
the normal blood glucose range for a newborn
What is 2 arteries and 1 vein
The umbilical cord contains 3 vessels. what are they
What is prenatal care
This ideally should start before conception. it includes assessments, health education, counseling, and social support.
What is tachycardia?
A nurse caring for an infant with congenital heart disease is monitoring the infant closely for signs of congestive heart failure.
What is 97.7 to 99.5
the normal axillary temperature range of a newborn
What is 9
At 1 minute after birth, the nurse assesses the newborn to assign an Apgar score. The apical heart rate is 110 bpm, and the infant is crying vigorously with the limbs flexed. The infant’s trunk is pink, but the hands and feet are blue. What is the Apgar score for this infant?
Gravida, Term births, Preterm births, Abortions, Living
What does each initial GTPAL stand for?
What is call the physician and turn them on their side?
After tonsillectomy, a child begins to vomit bright red blood. The most appropriate initial nursing action would be to:
What is an ultrasound?
Helps determine gestational age and fetal anomalies. Is included in the biophysical profile
What is the tonic neck reflex or the fencing reflex?
when in the supine position the infant extends the arm and leg on the side to which the head is turned.
What is Braxton hicks contractions?
Irregular contractions that do not change cervical effacement or dilatation
What is initiate early feedings?
A 23-year-old woman has insulin-dependent diabetes. Her blood sugar level has been fairly well controlled throughout pregnancy. Although her newborn is large for gestational age, he shows no signs of distress immediately after birth. What is of highest priority when caring for this woman's newborn?
What is 150,00 to 400,000
What is the normal platelet count range?
What is transient strabismus?
This is common in the newborn because infants have poor control of their eye muscles.
What is round ligament pain
Sharp pain in the side that is caused by the softening and stretching of connective tissue.
What is a prolapsed cord?
A 39 week expecting mother has gone into labor. The nurse performs a SVE and finds the women to be 100 percent effaced, 6 cm dilated and presenting part at - 3 station. The nurse knows that with this information the women is at increased risk for what complication?
What is BUN and Creat.
or Kidney function
Before administering potassium what lab results are important to know, besides the patients electrolyte levels?
What is Cephalhematoma?
This results from bleeding between the periosteum and the skull from birth. It has clear edges that end at the suture lines.
What is culturally competent nursing care
The nurse needs to assess their own feelings, awareness, and sensitivity to, in order to provide this.
What is assess Fetal Heart rate?
A primipara with bright red vaginal bleeding in the third trimester of her pregnancy is hospitalized. What is the most important for the nurse to do at this time?