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What is a Whale
What is Monstro in Ponoccio
What are Books
Originally Amazon only sold what kind of products
A) Electronics B) Books C) Beauty and Health D) Movies, Music and Games |
What is Chickpeas
What is used to make hummus
What is San Fransico
In what city would you find the infamous Alcatraz?
What is Robin
Which species of bird lays blue eggs?
What is 7
How many children are in the von Trapp family in The Sound of Music?
What is Lightbulb
What is Thomas Eddison's most famous invention?
What is apple sauce
What was the first food eaten in space
What is Denmark
Which country is NOT part of the Scaninavian Peninsula?
A) Denmark B) Norway C) Finland D) Sweden |
What is Superbowl Sunday
What is the most popular day of the year to order pizza in the U.S.?
Who is Thumper
Which character remarks that Bambi is "Kinda Woboly"
What is Snapchat
Which social media app only lets you view pictures and messages for a limited time?
What is cheese
What item of food holds the world record for being the most stolen item of food in the world?
What is Florida
What is the flattest U.S. state?
What is Hearing
What sense are puppies born without?
Who is Ellen Degeneres
Who played the voice of Dory in the film Finding Dory?
What is Switzerland
Where was the world wide web invented
What is Oreo
What is the best-selling cookie brand in the world?
What is Colorado
What U.S. state contains the world's largest flat-top mountain?
What is King of hearts
What is the only king in a deck of cards without a mustache?
Who are Anastasia and Drizella
What are the names of Cinderella's stepsisters
What is 2007
What year was the first iPhone released?
What is Colorado
Where was the cheeseburger born?
What is Lima
What is Peru's Capital
What is Snickers
What candy bar was named after its inventor's family horse?