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What is Chile
What razor-thin country accounts for more than half the western coastline of South America?
What is the flute
What is the oldest surviving musical instrument
What are solids
In what type of matter are atoms most tightly packed?
What is Dr? No
What was the first James Bond movie?
What is Orion
What constellation represents a hunter with a prominent belt and sword?
What is Canada
What country has the most natural lakes?
Who is Michelangelo
What artist was struck in the face with a mallet by an envious rival, disfiguring him for life?
What is New Moon
During what lunar phase is the moon least visible from Earth?
What is Dumbo
What is the only Disney animated feature film that has a title character who doesn't speak?
What is 8
How many wheels does a pair of roller skates have?
What is Sudan
Which African nation has the most pyramids
Who is Madonna
What Pop Signer is known as the "Material Girl"
What is Jupiter
What planet has the most moons
What is Dinglehopper
What does the little mermaid call the fork in her collection of human objects?
What is Rome
What was the first city to reach a population of one million?
What is Peru
What country can you visit Machu Picchu?
What is Allegro
What musical Term means to play a piece of music lively and fast
What is Sodium
What element is Na on the periodic table
What is M16
What secret service agency does 007 work for?
What is London
Where was the world's first public aquarium?
What is Damascus
What is the oldest city in the world?
What is Immortality
What do peaches represent in Chinese paintings
What is Vinegar
CH3COOH is the chemical formula for what common household item?
Who is Pual McCartney
Who performed the theme song for Live and Let Die?
What are Colors
What does a chromophobe fear?