Mary's Family | Mary's JFK Early School Days | It's Personal | More About Mary! | The Future/and more! |
Who is Mary's Father, John O'Rourke?
This O'Rourke family member worked in the Winooski School District for many years?
Who is Joseph Anger?
Mary's first principal at Memorial School.
What is Williston?
Mary lives in this Vermont town.
What is a catholic?
This is the religion she was brought up in.
What is the beach?
Mary will spend lots of time at one of these, reading and relaxing.
What is a guidance counselor?
Mary's father served in this position at Memorial School and JFK.
What is a reading specialist?
Mary complete a masters in this content, which led to her first position after being a teacher.
What is Rice?
This is where Mary went to high school.
What is Rutland?
Her living old aunt lives here.
What is laundry?
Mary plans to do this for her brother and sister in law's family all this summer.
What is 5?
Mary has this number of siblings.
Who is Robin Hood?
Mary team taught with her for 10 years.
What is UVM?
Mary attended this college.
What is New Year's Day?
Mary was born on this day.
What is alcohol?
Mary does not drink this.
What is Mike, John, Margaret, Tricia, and Eileen?
Mary's siblings have these names.
What is a curriculum coordinator?
This was Mary's position after being the JFK reading specialist.
What is a cat?
Mary hates this animal the most.
What is a farmer?
Mary's brother in Franklin county performs this job.
Who is Ernie?
This person was a custodian at JFK, and asked Mary to go to Bingo.
What is four? (Mike, John, Marget and Eileen)
Mary has this number of siblings living in Vermont.
What is 2009-2010 school year?
Mary became principal of JFK in this year.
Who is Mary's husband?
He does not care how much money Mary spends when she goes shopping.
Who is Mary O'Rourke?
Mary's mother's name.
What is a private investigator?
This is the job that Mary will do once Robin retires too.