Captain America | Iron Man | Thor | Who is | Villians |
“I could do this all day”
What is Captain Americas Catch Phrase
Tony Stark
What is iron man’s real name
Where is Thor from
Captain America
Who is the first avenger
Who is the villain in avengers infinity war and avengers end game
Bucky Barnes
Who is Captain Americas best friend
War Machine, Iron Patron
Iron man’s friend “Rhoadey” has a suit that goes by 2 names, what are they
Jane Foster
Who is Thors Love interest
Zola is Hydras assistant and scientist that helped take over Sheild
Who is Zola
Ultron, created by tony stark and Bruce banner
Who is the villain in the second avengers and who created him
Peggy Carter
Who is Captain America’s Love interest
Pepper Potts
Who is Iron man’s love interest
Captain America, Vision
Other than Thors ancestors 2 people have lifted Thors Hammer who are they
Natasha Romanoff
Who is Black Widow
Nebula, Gamora
Thanos has 5 children, 2 of them we are introduced to in the movies, who are they
Howling Comandos
What is Captain America’s war group called in Captain America the first avenger
Aldrich Killian, or the Mandarin
Who is Iron man’s enemy in Iron man 3
What is Thor’s hammers name
Pietro Maximoff
Who is Wanda Maximoffs Twin
There are 6 infinity stones, time stone, mind stone, space stone, reality stone, power stone, soul stone
The avengers greatest threat are the infinity stones, how many infinity stones are there and name them
What is Captain America’s Sheild made out of
Just A Really Very Intelligent System
Iron man has a digital assistant named J.A.R.V.I.S. What’s does this acronym stand for
Odin his father, Frigga his mother, Loki his brother, Hela his sister
Name all of Thors family members, name and relation to Thor
Vision was born in 2015 during age of Ultron, making him the youngest, making Peter Parker the second youngest
Who is the youngest avenger
Jotunheim, he is a Frost Giant
Loki is Thors adopted brother, where is Loki originally from and what species is he (only one answer needed)