hero identies and names | signature wepons or powers | signature catch phrace or epic oneliners | powers or wepons agian | yes or no |
who is ironman
tony stark
What is batarang
Batmans boomarangs
What is smash
What is webs
What is yes
giantman can shrink
who is hulk
Bruce banner
What is speed
What is batman
What is arm
winter soilders
What is yes
black panther metal is adimantium
Who is black widow
Natasha Romanoff
What is ring
What is ironman
I am
What is robtic powers
What is no
spiderman has mind powers
Who is star lord
Peter Quill
What is suits or armors
What is hulk
we have a ...
What is claws
What is no
batman has parents
Who is green arrow
Oliver Keen
What is sheild
captin americias
What is no strings on me
there are
What is mind powers
proffeser xs
What is yes
spiderman was denied a spot in the justice leauge