Minerals | The Rock Cycle | Layers of the Earth |
•formed in nature
•has a crystalline structure •is a solid •is non-living
What for characteristics do ALL minerals share?
•weathering & erosion
•compaction & cementation •heat & pressure •melting •cooling
What are the 5 processes that occur in the Rock Cycle?
Continental crust is the thicker crust that is higher up
Oceanic crust is thin and lowers
Whta is the difference between continental and oceanic crust?
A scale to test how hard a mineral is
What is Moh's Hardness Scale?
Heat & pressure
What is needed to create metamorphic rock?
By starting it with something harder than itself
How do you use Moh's Hardness Scale?
Under the water
Where is sedimentary rock formed?
•hardness •luster •color •cleavage & fracture •special properties •streak
List the seven tests that can be performed in identifying minerals?
Igneous rock with tiny pieces if sediment
What is fine grained igneous rock?
Igneous rock with large pieces of sediment
What is coarse grained igneous rock?