4 p's | Economy | Selling | Advertising | channel mangment |
What are the 4 P's
Product, Price, Place, Promotion
What is economy?
An organized way a nation provides for the wants and needs of it's people
what is personal selling?
person to person contact like a salesman.
What is advertising?
the activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services.
what is channel distribution.
the path a product takes to get to the customer.
What is Product?
The good/service provided
what is scarcity?
when a country doesn't have a lot of a resource.
what is telemarketing?
when company's call your phone to sell you something.
What is an advertising campaign?
a group of advertisements, commercials, and related promotional materials and activities to promote the plan of a company.
what are the two types of channles?
direct and indirect.
What is Price?
How much the consumer pays for product
What are factors of production?
Land, Labor, Capital, Entrepreneurship
name two goals of selling?
help customers be satisfied, create repeat business.
What is a headline?
the phrase or sentence that attracts the reader's attention to a product or service
what are the distribution intensifies?
intensive, selective, and exclusive.
What is Place?
The location(s) where the product is marketed/sold
what are the three types of economy?
traditional, market, and command.
what is consultative selling?
selling a solution to a customers problem.
What is an advertising agency?
independent businesses that specialize in developing ad campaigns and crafting the ads for clients.
what are the two channel markets?
industrial and consumer.
What is Promotion?
Advertising of the product
what is a command economy?
when the government controls every market.
what are the three product features?
basic, physical, and additional.
What are the 4 key elements of print advertisements?
Headline, Copy, illustrations, signature
what are intermediaries?
firms that help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its products to final buyers.