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The path the product takes from producer or manufacturer to the final user
What are the channels of distribution?
intermediaries who buy from many producers and sell these goods/services to the consumer
What are retailers?
Trucking, Rail Transportation, Water Transportation, Pipelines, Air Transportation
What are the types of transportation?
A farmer or craftsperson
What is a producer?
Specialized selling efforts
What is exclusive distribution used for?
Transporting, Storing and Handling Merchandise
What are the 3 marketing functions that Physical Distribution involve?
Indirect or Direct
What are the classifications of the channels of distribution?
The process of transporting, storing and handling goods to make them available to consumers
What is physical distribution?
intermediaries who buy in bulk in order to resale the goods/services, to produce other goods/services or for use in their daily business operations
What are wholesalers?
Manufacturer or Producer
Who does the channel of distribution begin with?
Developing and performing marketing activities across national boundaries
What are the international marketing strategies?
When the goods/services go to an intermediary, then to the consumer
When does indirect distribution occur?
When the goods/services are sold from the producer directly to the final user
When does direct distribution occur?
Identify various methods of entry
What is the first step in developing an international marketing strategy?