ellie | emma | chewy/ toby combined | marissa :) | randoms :P (you will get these wrong) |
what is diamond asshole
what is ellies first mansion color?
What is emmas middle name
What is chewys herritage?
What is marissa favorite color (not rainbow)
something that can kill somebody so be careful
What is a penis?
zappidy- zoppity ding dong ping pong smith
What is ellies first boyfriend name?
What is emmas hair color?
What is tobys weight
electronics and day all night nigga fuck wit us
What is marissas favorite activity?
gluestick dont have personalitys you nasty
What is a gluesticks personality?
blonde with pink streaks
What is ellies hair color?
What is emmas favorite activity?
butt fucked by an electric seal
What is chewys goal in life
raging homosexual. or also excrptable: hot tamele vagina lip
What is marissas favorite insult to call somebody?
holding sperm when a couple get a little too fricky in the bedroom and they dont have anywhere else to put it.
What is a box used for?
pink, and if you got this wrong i have permission to slap you
What is ellies favorite color?
What is emmas favorite school subject?
What is tobys bedtime
What is marissas favorite soda?
nothing, there all fuck ups
What is the best quality about a women?
black hole
What is ellies pussy shaped like?
married with kids and a nice husband who will rub ointments and litiments all over her silly.
What is emmas plans for next year?
the mexican that could
What is chewys favorite bedtime story
nothing. i dont like sweets... jk bitch i fooled you. i just put an iv of straight brownie mix into my bloodstream.
What is marissas favorite desert?
raging hard dicks all over your mouth hole
What is wood made out of?