Depth, Sunlight, and Temperature | Kinds of Marine Ecosystems | Freshwater Ecosystems | Freshwater Ecosystems | Major zones in the Ecosystem |
What is the ocean
It covers almost 3/4 of Earth's system
What is sea stars
Can live in both dry and wet and attach themself to rocks
What is melting ice and snow
The water in brooks, streams, and rivers may flow from this
What is a freshwater ecosystem
A swamp is what type of ecosystem
What is the Oceanic Zone?
The zone extends from the surface to deep waters of the open ocean
What are tiny producers and tiny consumers
These animals can be found on the surface of the ocean
What is Sargasso fish
An animal the same color as Sargassums
What is a deep water zone
This is underneath the open water zone
What is marsh
A treeless wetland is called what
What is Neuritic Zone?
The zone that is the farthest from the shore
What is the temperature of the water
It is the third biotic factor in marine ecosystems
What is estuary
An area where fresh water mixes with salt water from the ocean
What is a swamp
This flooded most of the year
What is a tributary
A stream that join that join a bigger stream is call what
What is Abyssal Zone?
The coldest zone in the ocean
What is warm water
Animals in the coral reef need this to live
What is kelp forest
Found in cola shallow areas of the neuritics zone
What is the open-water zone, littoral zone, and a deep-water zone
These are three zones in ponds and lakes
What is an open water
A pond or lake that extends from the littoral zone
What is 4 zones?
How many major zones are in the ocean
What is the thermocline layer
The layer of water where the temperature of the sea water changes rapidly
What is what is Polar Ice
The artic Ocean ad the ocean around Antarctica
What is making a pond dissapear
Sediment does this to the ecosystems
What is a littoral zone
The area closest to the edge of a lake
What is Oceanic Zone, Neuritic Zone, Abyssal Zone and Intertidal Zone?
The major zones in the ocean