Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) | Respiratory Protection | Heat Stress/Weather |
What is rotten eggs?
H2S is a highly toxic, colorless gas that smells like this at low concentrations
What is clean shaven?
Employees who are required to wear respirators must keep their faces this way to ensure proper equipment fit
What is a warning?
This is issued when severe weather or storms have been sighted or are indicated by weather radar
What is sulfur dioxide?
H2S burns with a blue flame and produces this other toxic gas
What is annually?
Each employee subject to wearing a respirator should be fit tested at this frequency
What is heat exhaustion?
Symptoms of this include heavy sweating, blurred vision, and dizziness/fainting
What is a wind sock?
Any location where H2S concentrations exceed 100 ppm in the product stream requires this to be highly visible
What is a medical evaluation?
Each employee enrolled in the Respiratory Protection Program must have this before being fit tested or required to use a respirator
What is heat stroke?
When sweating ends and the body is unable to control its temperature, this has occurred
What is Danger Poison Gas?
Where the thief hatch concentration ranges from 10-100 ppm H2S, a sign should be posted at the base of the tank stairway that says this
What is NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)?
Each district will select respirators based on anticipated hazards, and they must be certified by this agency
What is 30 minutes?
It takes at least this long to cool down an overheated person
What is 600 ppm?
When you reach this level of H2S, it is considered a lethal dose
What is IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health)?
An atmosphere that poses an immediate threat to life, would cause irreversible adverse health effects, or would impair an individual’s ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere is known as this
What is flash flooding?
The #1 cause of weather-related deaths is this