Chapters 1-5 | Chapters 6-10 | Chapters 11-15 | Chapters 16-20 | Chapters 21-25 |
She speaks Babylonian, reads and writes well, is sharp-witted, does not look like a slave, is proud, and desires freedom
What makes Mara a valuable spy?
There were more funeral barges.
How are the wharfs (the harbors) of Abydos different from those at Menfe?
The closer they sat to the throne the more important they were.
How could Mara tell by looking around the Queen's court who the most important people were?
For the sake of the future of Egypt
Why is it so important that Thutmose III becomes the Pharaoh of Egypt?
Nekonkh pleads with Sheftu to take Mara away, but Sheftu reminds him to follow orders
How do Nekonkh and Sheftu respond once the raiders boarded the ship?
Because Mara said she intended to discover his secrets if she could and clearly Sheftu would rather remain secretive and somewhat anonymous
Why did Sheftu threaten Mara at the end of their conversation?
She knew that her brother would not like Innani at all.
Why did Hatshepsut like what she saw in Innani?
Thutmose' servants are loyal to the Queen
What does Mara learn during her audience with her master?
They come with a priest, claim they have heard reports of a tomb robbery
How does Sheftu enter the Valley of the Kings?
To find her other master, learn his plans, and then slip away to try and warn the others
Why does Mara run away from Nekonkh?
Pale red quartz, a type of gem
What is a Carnelian?
He gave praise to Pharaoh without specifying which Pharaoh he meant.
What was clever about Sheftu's response to the order from Hatshepsut?
To conceal his identity, and in case some were captured they would not be able to identify their true leader
Why do you think Sheftu goes by Sashai at the Inn of the Falcon?
Little air, only one torch... etc.
What could make Sheftu and his friend's venture into the tombs dangerous?
Because she told Nekonkh that she would stay in the courtyard until he returned, and for once she meant to keep her word.
Why was Mara captured by Nekonkh?
It will be hard for her to balance both of her jobs, and she also works so close to the other job that it will be hard for her to hide each job
What is hard about Mara having two "jobs"?
They think they are barbaric, are fat, dislike their clothing, and generally are not friendly, etc.
Mara reaches the palace finally and meets more important characters in our story. How do the Egyptians feel overall about our new Syrian friends, what do they think of them?
No man or woman lives whom gold cannot buy, only the prices differ
What has Sheftu learned in the last six years about mankind? Do you think he is correct?
She does not like him and is afraid of him. He is too nosy
How does Mara feel about Sahure?
He hired him to spy on Mara and her whereabouts.
What did Lord Nahareh hire Sahure to do?
Mara escapes from her master to the market, Mara’s new master offers her a proposition that may free her from being a slave, Sheftu takes interest in Mara, Nekonkh and Sheftu make a pact to work together, etc.
What happens in the first few chapters of “Mara Daughter of the Nile” that puts our story into motion?
She will not marry Thutmose, and she can return to Canaan and her brothers, she also visits the Syrian Weaver lady
What relieves Inanni at the end of her long day?
She has to constantly translate/ be around Innani all day. She has to make sure to include Innani in conversations or else the princess will get suspicious of her. She has to speak with them and then keep a conversation with Innani going
Why is it so hard for Mara to be Innani’s translator while working for Sheftu and Lord Nahereh?
Nekonkh tells her the "whereabouts" of the gold in the presence of others, if it is raided, he will know she is a spy for the other side.
How does Sheftu plot to uncover Mara's treachery?
She learns the value of loving and trusting other people such as friends and family, and why it is worthwhile to remain loyal to them. In exchange, she has made valuable friends and wants to treat them well in the end.
How does Mara change as a person throughout the story?