Maps | Government | Civil War | European Exploration |
What is Pacific Ocean
The ocean to the West of the US
What is constitutional monarchy
Type of government where the king/queen is just a figure head
Who is Abraham Lincoln
President of Union
What is 1492
The beginning of sustained contact between the people of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres
What is Appalachian Mountains
The mountain range to the East of the US
What is a dictatorship
Type of government where a person takes over a country and rules by themselves
What are slavery, states rights, sectionalism
Three main reasons for the Civil War
What is curiosity, wealth, fame, national pride, religion, foreign trade, faster trade routes
Name 5 of the 7 reasons for exploration
What is Mississippi River
The longest river in the US- flows north to south
What is representative democracy
Type of government where citizens vote for a representative to speak for them in the government
What is states rights
Belief that state laws are more important than federal laws
What is Colombian Exchance
Transfer of people, goods, ideas back and forth across the atlantic
What is Hudson River
River that flows north to south near present day New York
What is command or communist economy
Type of economy where the government owns and makes all decisions for the country
What is sectionalism
When a citizen is more loyal to the region they live in than to their own country
Who is Henry Hudson
English and Dutch explorer who has 2 water features named after him
What is Rocky Mountains
Mountain range that stretches from Canada to Mexico
What is Free Enterprise or capitalist or market economy
Type of economy where citizens are free spend there money as they please
What is to nullify
to cancel or make void
What is NorthWest Passage
Natural waterway through or around North America