Do you know how to Party! | Table Setting | Looking neat while stuffing your face. | It doesn't require a doctorate to dine, or does it? | Date or Dash |
What is write or call as soon as possible. Hostess needs to buy, cook food, set table, etc. Do not call the day of the party unless an emergency to change.
What do you do when you recieve an RSVP
What is the salad fork is on the outside and the dinner fork is on the inside closest to the dinner plate.
Where does the salad fork and dinner fork go?
What is with a knife & fork unless at a picnic or if the drumsticks have frills on them.
How to eat chicken
What is always pass to the right
Which way do I pass the food?
What is do not spend time talking to your double date, make your date feel like they are the most important person there.
Your on a double date, and the double date seems more interesting. What should you do?
What is greet each guest, if talking to someone else, excuse yourself to greet as each arrives.
What a host or hostess must do when guests arrive
What is on the right side of the plate with the blade facing inward.
Which direction does the knife lay on the place setting?
What is quietly ask a waiter for a replacement when at a restaurant, or eat around the spoiled items if at someones home and say big deal
When food goes bad during a meal.
What is do not blow on hot foods but let them cool on there own or drink water.
Man this soup is hot, what do I do?
The person paying for the meal will order first, which will let the the other know what price range is acceptable. Also the person paying can make suggestions of dishes that are in their price range.
Your at a restaurant and are ready to order, who orders first?
What is conversations that include all areas of the people at the table, no loud or intimite / private conversations or sensitive issues.
Types of acceptable conversations at the dinner table, during a dinner party.
What is the desert spoon, which is found at the in top of the plate or with the dessert
Which spoon is used for the most important part of dinner...dessert.
What is try all foods at someone's house, at a restaurant you can have a more select taste.
Seeing new food items at a party, Will you eat it?
What is false, take some jam or preserves with the serving spoon and put a little on your bread plate. Then slather from there.
That jam looks good, I'm going to slather it on my bread (true or false)
What is do not honk your car horn for your date to come out. Go to the door, meet the parents and look them in the eye.
Picking up your date, what should you "not" do?
What is after the prayer, do not take a sip of water or eat anything prior, and wait to remove napkin until hostess does.
When to eat?
What is to the left of the dinner plate.
I ate the salad, where do I put the plate after?
What is bring food to your mouth, don't lean down to plate.
I am so hungry, how should I approach eating my food?
What is finish eating, and wipe your mouth before speaking.
Someone asks you a question as you are eating, what do you do?
What is the boy should open the door for his date, and any strangers that may also be present.
Your walking your date to a building, what should happen?
What is whenever your invited to dinner, bring something to show respect or gratitude.
When to bring gifts to the host or hostess of the dinner party.
What is place knife and fork together across the plate, do not do it earlier than planned or you might go a little hungry.
I couldn't eat another bite, how do I tell them to stop bringing me food?
What is one or two pieces of meat at a time.
Dice it or slice it, how should I cut my meat?
What is open your own napkin immediately after so the napkin is still folded in half and place on lap.
The hostess opened her napkin, what should I do?
What is the boy goes first to slide across the seat, if both doors are available the boy will open the door for the girl and help her, then take his own seat.
Your with your date and call a taxi, who gets in first?