Jacksonian Democracy | Mormons and the Trail | Sequoyah |
Who was "old hickory"?
Andrew Jackson's nickname
Who were the Mormons?
The settlers refused to help and give them food
Who was Sequoyah?
He made reading and writing in the Cherokee possible
What was the Indian Removal Act?
It allowed Jackson to move the Indians to the east.of Mississippi
What was the weather?
It was a major factor in whether the pioneers would survive or not
What was the Cherokee alphabet?
He started to create this in 1809
Who were the kitchen cabinet?
They were favorably given jobs
What was the Great Basin?
The Mormons settled here
What was the Cherokee alphabet
It contained 86 symbols
Jackson fired his enemies and hired his supporters
Jackson fired his enemies and hired his supporters
Who was Brigham Young?
He led the Mormons to move and settle in the west
What is the alphabet?
Sequoyah worked on this for twelve years
When was the U.S. debt free?
It was free under Jackson's presidential time
Who was Joseph Smith?
He began to have religious visions revealing that he was to go to a different purified church
What did he do before making the alphabet?
Sequoyah was a blacksmith