Stuff We Say | League of Legends | Zoe's Cat Facts | Things We Should Know (But Don't) | The "King" |
Who is Dom
This man fucking loves spaghetti
What is Adam and Challenger
This player is the only one in Mangopolis to have reached this prestigious rank in TFT. He told his mom about it too. (Two Answers)
Who is Vincent
Zoe loves all her cats, but this one is the biggest shitter
Who are The SOKOFs
The name of the original Pathfinder party is this
Who is Burger King
This King began his reign in 1954, and rules over more than 18,700 locations in the US and worldwide.
Who is Maya, after lagging out in an ARAM
This person said: "If we had Communism, then I would send the upper management of Comcast and Charter to the Gulags" while this was happening (Two Answers)
What is Warmogs
Ben loves turtles, frogs, and this item in League
What is Domestic Shorthair
This is the most popular cat breed in the world (Zoe has three of them)
Who is Sound Man
This was the original name of the first sound bot used in Sweats Profusely
Who is King K. Rool
This malevolent King began his reign in 1994, and commands his army of Kremlings to take down his arch-nemesis, whom many fans have gone bananas for.
What is Cinco de Mayo and Mardi Gras
These two holidays prompted Alex Lorenz to exclaim, "They're the same thing?"
What is One and Done Pat
Before he was Virgin Prime he was this
What is Jalapeno, Cholula, and Chili
The spice girls are a trio of cats. What are their names?
What is 2 years
This is the age difference between Nathan and Ben
Who is David King
This formerly wealthy King was well known for playing rugby in his early years, however his combative nature had tarnished his chances of success in life -- but at least it paid off in times when adrenaline was necessary.
What is Obscene
Fill in the blank for this quote: "What's with the _______ amount of furries?"
Who is Cassiopeia
If a woodchuck could chuck wood, then Dom would play this lady all the time.
The spice girls are sisters to which other cat?
Who is Preston Bruce
This person owned the original Sweats Profusely server
Who is King Julian
This furry king rules over the jungle, with his selfishness and laziness being his defining traits. He decided to abdicate his lineage in order to join a group of animals on their journey back home to New York.
Who is Tom
This person has not been quoted in the Stuff We Say Channel
Who are Jhin, Pyke, and Twitch
Name the three highest mastery champions for Tom.
What is 10%
Poppy is Zoe's most favorite cat, but she's also very special! Only this percent of ginger tabbies are female.
What is the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Guide
The first pinned message in Definitely Not a General Chat was this contribution by Dom
Who is King (Tekken)
This wild King originated as a street brawling orphan, and entered a tournament, becoming a legend for his unique wrestling style.