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A. The school bus
B. His mom/dad
Steve had on his coat, hat, gloves, and bookbag. He was standing at the end of the driveway looking up and down the road every few minutes. What was Steve waiting for?
A. Tyler dropped a glass on the floor and it broke
Tyler was careful not to step on any of the broken pieces. He got the dustpan and broom and clearned the mess on the floor. "Oh, well, at least I hadn't already poured my juice." he thought. What might have happened?
A. Joe made a touchdown
B. Joe scored the winning touchdown C. The team won the football game
The crowd jumped to their feet and screamed with excitment. Joe threw the football to the ground and did a victory dance as his teammates made their way to him. They would be going to the state playoffs. What might have happened?
A. A snowman
When Jessie got home from school. She in her yard all that was left was a gaint puddle, a carrot, three pieces of coal, a hat, two green gloves, broken sticks, and a red scarf. What had been in the yard?
A. A sad movie
B. A drama
Carol sat in the movie theater wiping her eyes with a tissue. What kind of movie is she seeing?
A. She was late for class
B. She missed the bus
Liz was at her locker, unpacking her bookbag. She heard a bell ring. "Oh no, not again!" What might have happened?
A. Her cat had kittens
Keshai could hardly wait to get home from school. Today might be the day! Her cat might already be a mother. What special thing might have happned while she was at school?
A. Rain
B. Snow
Before the soccer game today, Josh's uniform was spotless. After the game, his uniform was covered in mud. What was the weather like that day?
A. cold and windy
B. Raining C. Snowing
A boy was walking home hugging his arms agains his chest and scrunching his eyes. What was the weather like?
A. Her tickets
B. Her wrist band to ride the rides
It was the last night of the carnival. Sarah looked at the gaint Tilt-A-Whirl feeling upset. The other kids awalked passed her to get in line. What had Sarah lost?
A. The school nurse was testing the students vision (checking their eyes)
The school nurse said, Zach this time please cover your right eye and read the smallest letters you can see." What as going on?
A. Mr. Hooper might be sick
B. Mr. Hooper may be on vacation C. Mr. Hooper might be in the hospital D. Mr. Hooper may have passed away
Diego enjoyed talking to Mr. Hooper, an elderly neighbor. Today Diego noticed somthing odd about Mr. Hooper's house. There were several newspapers on the front step and the yard hadn't been mowed yet. What might have happened?
A. Making a "wave"
As the music played loud, each row of the audience stood up then sat back down one by one. Making the stands move like the ocean. What were the fans doing?
A. Rain
Abby's shirt, shorts, and sandles felt cold and wet. Her hair was dripping water onto her face and back. She was not ready for this kind of weather. What kind of weather had happened?
A. His shoe
B. His boot
Andrew ran across the field chasing the brown dog. It was hard for Andrew to keep up since his right foot was no longer protected. His right sock was around his toes and about ready to fall off. "Come back here dog! That's mine!" What might the dog have t
A. It would take too long to erase
B. His teacher didn't allowing erasing on test C. He was using a pen
Brian did his best to solve math problems on the test. Then he looked them over carefully. "Opps, that answer is wrong." He drew a neat line through the wrong answer and wrote the correct answer beside it. Why did brian not erase his answer?
A. Clean her room
B. Picking up and cleaning her dirty laundry
Becky's mom was angry with her. Her dirty clothes were laying all over the floor, her desk was covered with papers and toys, and all of her ballet clothes were thrown on the closet shelf. What chore did Becky not do?
A. Bowling
Infront of Noah was a 8lbs black ball, a long wooden alley, and ten white and red pins. What sport is Noah playing?
A. Summer
Bill and John sat in bright colored floats as they floated in the lake. They had put on extra sunscreen and were wearing sunglasses. Sweat covered their foreheads. What season might it be?
A. He broke it
The boys all wanted a turn with the bright colored markers. Nathan's cast would be covered with signatures and cool designs were they were done. What happened to Nathan's arm?
A. Supplies were bought at different stores
B. Devon's supplies were on sale
Manuel and Devon are in the same class. Their parents bought the exact same school supplies for the boys just before school started. Manuel's supplies cost $15.95 and Devon's cost $11.38. Why do they cost different amounts?
A. Mom burnt the food
B. The food over flowed and burnt on the stove C. Somthing in the kitchen caught on fire
Mom was talking to her best friend on the phone about a TV show. On the stove she was cooking dinner; spagetti with meatballs. The smoke detecor started to ring and black smoke filled the room. What happened?
A. The start of the race
B. Time out
The five boys lined up at the white line. They placed themselves in the starting position; one hand on the track, legs ready, and back down. The judge raised the whistle to his mouth and blew. What did the whistle signal?
A. A tornado
B. A rain storm
Bob ran around to the back of his house. He opened the cellar door and went inside. Turning on his flashlight he made sure he had water, a radio, some food, and a blanket. A howling sound came from above and Bob could hear the lawn chair blowing away. Wha
A. It was getting robbed
The manager at the bank was nervous as he punched in the numbers that opened the vault. All the costumers quietly laid on the ground and covered their heads. Everyone was hoping that they would be safe and the cops would get there soon. What was happened