Towns | Maine Foods | Maine Celebrities | Maine Animals | All things MAINE |
What is Augusta
What is the state capitol of Maine?
What Maine Delicacy was once considered "the poor mans chicken"
Stephen King
Which Maine author is known for his horror stories such as The Shinning, Pet Cemetery, and Cojo, and Karey
What is the largest Maine animal?
What is Maine's State Bird?
What is Portland
What city was first temporarily selected as the state capitol?
Maine has the largest crop in the nation of which fruit
George Bush
Which former U.S. President has a summer home in Kennebunkport?
White tail deer
What big game animal is known for its "whitetail"
Vacation land Or Vacation State
What is Maine's State Nick Name?
What is South Portland
What town is the Maine Mall located?
What is the Whoopee Pie
This yummy treat is considered "Maine's dessert"
Henry Longfellow
What Poet was born in Portland Maine?
This "stinky" critter can spray from 12 ft. away!
The White Pine
What is Maine's State Tree?
What is Freeport
What town is the home to the L.L. Bean Company?
Second to Idaho Maine produces the largest crop of what starchy vegetable
John Ford
What film director who directed movies such as "The Grapes of Wrath" is from Cape Elizabeth?
Black Bear
Maine is home to more than 25,000 of what large fluffy omnivore?
What is Maine's State animal?
What is Bath
What Maine city is known as the "City of Ships"?
What would you call a sandwich on Italian bread, with deli meats, pickles, cheese, veggies
E.B. White
What author who wrote Charlotte Web is from Maine?
Bald Eagle
Maine is home to over 500 pairs of these "nesting" birds, which have made their way off of the endangered species list
What year did Maine become a state?