Circular Flow Diagram | G.D.P. | Unemployment | Economic Growth | Do you know the formula? |
Land, Labor, Capital, and Entrepreneur
What are the four factors of production?
Gross Domestic Product and it is the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given time period.
What does GDP stand for and what is it?
Frictional, Cyclical, Structural, and Seasonal
What are the four types of unemployment?
GDP, CPI, Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
What concepts help measure economic growth?
How to calculate unemployment rate? The number of unemployed people divided by the labor force multiplied by one hundred
How to calculate unemployment rate?
The factors of production helps businesses to make finished products.
Whom does the factors of productions benefit in the circular flow diagram?
How is aggregate demand related to the concept of GDP? Because they can be calculated by using the same formula.
How is aggregate demand related to the concept of GDP?
Saint Nicholas is experiencing frictional unemployment
If Saint Nicholas was to work as a part time chef , but spends time looking for a new job for eleven months. What type of unemployment is Saint Nicholas experiencing?
Consumer Price Index
Inflation can be measured using ....?
Price Index = current year price of a market basket divided by base year price of market basket multiplied by one hundred
What is the calculation for CPI?
They will have to pay taxes, but they can either spend or save their money.
What are some things that households can do with the income they incur if taxes are added?
Using the expenditures approach or the income approach.
What are the two ways to calculate GDP?
Structural Unemployment
I occur because you can not compete with me, which type of unemployment am I ?
The stock market crashed causing a recession
What happened to the economy in the year 1929?
Consumer spending plus capital investments plus government spending plus net exports
What is the Expenditure approach formula for GDP?
Taxes, government purchases, and government borrowing
What three concepts are add to the circular flow diagram as a part of the government sector?
GDP measures how many resources become scarce in a year? TRUE or FALSE
Cyclical Unemployment
I occur when the economy is contracting or in a trough, which type of unemployment am I?
What is the phase of the business cycle when the economy moves from a trough to a peak?
AD= C+I+G+Xn
Consumer spending plus capital investments plus government spending plus net exports
What is the formula for aggregate supply?
Government purchases affects the GDP that flows through the product markets.
How is the concept of government purchases related to the circular flow diagram?
Imports and exports are counted in national GDP. TRUE or FALSE
Unemployment Rate
The percentage of the work force over 16 who are willing and able to work and do not have a job.
Consumer spending, investment spending, government spending, net export spending, and government policies.
What are the determinants of aggregate demand?
National Income = wages+rent+interest+profit
What is the formula for the income approach of GDP?