Act 1 | Act 2 | Act 3 | Act 4 | Act 5 |
Who does Macbeth meet the witches with in act 1?
A dagger in front of him, luring him to go to the King's dungeon.
What does Macbeth hallucinate and try to follow/take hold of at the start of Act 2?
He feels life is meaningless
How does Macbeth feel about life in act 3?
Kill MacDuffs Family
In act 4 what does MacBeth decide to do to make himself feel safe?
Who killed Macbeth?
What's the name of the person Macbeth kills in scene 2?
Macbeth feels filled with guilt and remorse
How does Macbeth feel after assassinating the king?
Who hires murderers to kill Banquo?
He will be safe until birnam wood moves up to dunsinane hill
The witches tell MacBeth something about the forest. What is this?
He's informed by the witches that no man born of women can harm him
Why does Macbeth feel untouchable/ Invincible?
He is his cousin
How is Macbeth related to King Duncan?
The guards started to yell “Murder!”.
What happened to startle Macbeth while he waited to kill King Duncan?
Who’s ghost does Macbeth see at the banquet?
Who is the witch that controls the 3 witches MacBeth previously met?
He doesn't care
How does Macbeth feel about the death of his wife?
How does Macbeth break the news to Lady Macbeth?
He forgot to leave the daggers in Duncan's room.
From the disrupted state of mind which Macbeth had after killing Duncan, what mistake did he make?
True or False? Lady Macbeth notices that Macbeth is changing.
A devil
What does MacDuff compare MacBeth to when speaking with Malcolm?
Young Siward
Who does Macbeth kill in this Act?
That he wasn't man enough
What does Lady Macbeth fear about Macbeth?
Line that says, "Wake Duncan with thy knocking. I wouldst thou couldst."
What line reveals that Macbeth is now regretting what they have done?
Banquo is suspicious of Macbeth, and he is worried that his prophecies will come true
Why does Macbeth kill Banquo?
Who tells MacBeth that MacDuff is fleeing to England?
Macbeth has curses, not loud but deep, and mouth-honour vs. old age, having honour, love, obedience, and troops of friends
What does Macbeth has in his life at this point vs what he believes you need for a life well lived?