Who said? | The Beginning | Death of a King | The Plot to Kill Banquo | Miscellaneous |
The Three Witches
Who said, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.”
Duncan is king of what country?
He brought the daggers back to the room with him instead of planting them on the guards.
How did Macbeth mess up the plans to kill the king?
Banquo is his friend.
Why did Macbeth not kill Banquo himself?
“Fair is foul and foul is fair” contains this literary device.
Who said, "It will have blood, they say: blood will have blood."
What country was Duncan fighting a war with?
Who was the first to “discover” the body of the deceased king?
Macbeth says Banquo is responsible for ruining their lives.
Why are the murderers who kill Banquo so willing to do the deed?
The armed head, the bloody child, and the child crowned.
What are the three apparitions (ghosts) to first appear to Macbeth via the witches’ magic?
Lady Macbeth
Who said, "What's done cannot be undone."
The Three Witches / Wyrd Sisters
What characters are the first to appear in the play?
They were worried they could be next to be killed.
Why did Malcolm and Donalbain flee after Duncan was killed?
Macbeth was threatened by the prophecy that Banquo's children will become king.
Why did Macbeth have Banquo killed?
Allows a characters thoughts to be heard by the audience.
What purpose does an "aside" serve in a play?
Who said, "And let the angel whom thou still hast served Tell thee: Macduff was from his mother's womb
Untimely ripped." |
Thane of Glamis
What was Macbeth’s original title?
Malcolm, Macduff, Banquo
What characters suspect that Macbeth murdered Duncan at any point in the play?
What is the name of Banquo's oldest child?
It is considered cursed.
Why is this play not referred to by name in theaters?
Who said, "It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."
What is the name of Macbeth’s castle?
Duncan looked like her father.
Why couldn't Lady Macbeth kill Duncan herself?
Who is the first to leave when he interacts with Banquo's ghost at the banquet?
The soldiers carried the trees of Birnam Wood to Dunsinane Hill.
How did the "Great Birnam Wood meets Dunsinane Hill" prophecy come true?