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Thane of Cawdor
What title is given to Macbeth for bravery in the battle?
She claims that he looks like her father.
Why does Lady Macbeth say she can't kill Duncan?
Making brew and waiting for Macbeth.
What are the witches doing at the beginning of Act 4?
Who killed Macbeth?
They kill Banquo but let his son Fleance escape.
What happens when the murderers try to kill Banquo and his son?
Malcolm becomes the prince of Cumberland
What happens that causes Macbeth to question becoming king?
She get the guards drink and plants the dagger with blood on them.
How does Lady Macbeth help kill Duncan?
Who is the queen of the witches?
Who does Macbeth have killed because he thinks they know he killed Duncan?
Macduff says he was ripped from his mothers womb at an untimely moment.
What is said that frightens Macbeth before he is killed by Macduff?
He knows he can't be killed by a man born of woman.
Why doesn't Macbeth put his armor on when he goes out to do battle?
It gives the people the sense that she is completely shocked the King has been murdered. It is ironic because she planned the entire thing.
What symbolism does Lady Macbeths fainting have? How is it ironic?
They greet him as the Thane of Gilamis, Thane of Cawdor, and as future king.
How do the witches greet Macbeth after battle?
Who is Banquos son that flees from death?
The witches
Who says " Lesser than Macbeth and greater. Not so happy, yet much happier. This shalt get kings, though thou be none?"
He kills them in fury. He claims that in his great fury he killed them without thinking.
What does Macbeth do to the supposed murderers? Why?
Which of the seven sins is Lady Macbeth most guilty for?
The bloody baby which symbolizes that no person woman born can kill him. A child holding a tree symbolizes that he will never be defeated until Birnham Wood moves.
What are two of the witches apparitions? What do they symbolize?
Malcolm and Donalbain
How are Duncan's sons?
Where does Macbeth take place?
He wanted to congratulate Macbeth over dinner. To be the new Thane of Cawdors guest.
Why does the kind come to Macbeths castle?
"Life's but a waking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
What does Macbeth say after hearing of Lady Macbeths suicide?
Each man in the English force cuts down a bough to provide cover so that the size of the army is not known.
How is the prophesy of Birnham wood moving to Dusinane Hill fulfilled?
Lady Macbeth
Who say the following to Macbeth? "Yet do I fear nature; it it's too full o'th' milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way."
He sees and hears the confession of Lady Macbeth while he is trying to diagnose her condition.
What significance does the doctor have?