Family Affairs | Very Superstitious | Themes | Smooth [not so smooth] Criminal | People & Places |
What is "dash" her baby's brain out
In Act 1, Scene 7, Lady Macbeth swears that she would have done this if she had promised to do so.
What is a letter
Macbeth tells his wife about the prophecies through this.
What is innocence
After having murdered Duncan in Act 2, scene 2, Macbeth's talk of sleep represents this
What is Macbeth didn't put the daggers back with Duncan's guards
Upon returning to his room after murdering Duncan, Lady Macbeth is upset with her husband for this reason
What is 'weird'
___ sisters; nickname for the witches
What is horseback riding
At the time of his murder, Banquo is doing this with his son.
What are Macbeth's future titles of Thane of Cawdor and King of Scottland, and that Banquo will be the father of Kings
When the witches first encounter Macbeth and Banquo, they prophesize this.
What is guilt
As the play progresses, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth cannot rid of this feeling (represented by blood)
Who is Banquo's son, Fleance
When the murderers kill Banquo outside the palace, they let this person get away, therefore allowing the prophecies to come true
What is Inverness
The name of Macbeth's castle
What is Prince of Cumberland
After the battle in Act 1, Scene 1, Duncan names his son, Malcolm, this
What is make her more masculine
Lady Macbeth believes that she needs this quality in order to attain power and calls on the spirits, asking them this
What is murders innocent women and children
Lady Macbeth realizes how far Macbeth's ruthlessness and ambition have come when he carries out this action
What is murdering Duncan's guards
When the thanes are questioning Duncan's murder, Macbeth has to lie to cover up his reason for doing this
Who are Donalbain and Malcolm
These two characters run away fearing their safety after Duncan's murder
What is Lady Macbeth's belief that Duncan looks like her father
Lady Macbeth says that she would have killed Duncan herself if it weren't for this.
What are:
1) Beware of Macduff 2) No man born of woman can hurt him 3) Macbeth will not be defeated until "Great Burnam Wood marches to fight against him"
The witches' final prophecies told to Macbeth
What is loyalty
Lady Macbeth conveys this quality after covering for her husband by telling the thanes that he is sick in Act 3, scene 4; Reason why Lady Macbeth and Macbeth make a good team
What is the fact that Macduff is not "born of woman"
In Act 5, scene 8, Macbeth is arrogant in thinking that he cannot be hurt by Macduff, but fails to realize this
Who is Macdonwald
It is revealed that this character betrayed King Duncan in Act 1, scene 2
What is a traitor
In Act 4, Scene 2 Lady Macduff argues with her son, calling her husband this
What is skeptical and unconvinced
Unlike Macbeth, Banquo feels this way about the prophecies
What is fate
This idea is questioned throughout the play when Macbeth may or may not be actively fulfilling the prophecies himself
What is Banquo's ghost
Macbeth's paranoia and guilt are shown when he sees this "person"
Who is Thane Ross
This character shares the news of the victory against the Norweigan Army in Act 1, scene 2