Characters Symbols & Symbolic Events Themes Foreshadowing Plot
Who are Malcolm and Donalbain?
King Duncan's sons.
What is blood?
Represents the guily consciousness of the murderous characters; mentioned thouroughly throughout the play
What is king v. tyrant ?
The controversional theme of Macbeth's sense of ruling vs Duncans ruling ...
What is The prophecy the witches presented to Macbeth?
Foreshadowed that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and King of Scottland
What is the meeting and prochecies of the witches?
Initiated the external and internal conflict of the murderous intentions of Macbeth.
Who is Macbeth?
His response to every problem is violence and murder.
What is His willingness to kill the children of his enemy?
A clear sign that Macbeth has passed the point of no return?
What is Appearance v. Reality (Deception) ?
The idea of " Fair is foul and foul is fair" is evident of how situations appear to be good when in reality may be evil or vice versa. All people have the capability of being good and appearing evil as well as being evil and appearing good.
What are hallucinations ?
Gives hint that a murder is about to occur i.e floating dagger.
What is guilt of the multiple murders?
Lady Macbeth is consumed with this and kills herself because of it.
Who is Macduff?
He eventually becomes a leader of the crusade to unseat Macbeth
What is thunder and lightning storm?
Portray the corruption of the evil acts before they are committed. Applies to the grotesque era of literature.
What is ambition?
The idea/theme that man can satisfy his own needs, regardless of social codes, if he has the energy and ambition to act.

once Macbeth had a taste of power, he appears unable to restrain his once cautious mind to stop killing men and women, just to secur
What is the raven?
It's croaks foreshadowed the fatal future of Duncan.
What is fate?
The belief Macbeth has that he "won't have to do anything" and his propechy will just happen.
Who is Lady Macbeth?
Emits strength through manipulation towards Macbeth. Unable to cope with the guilt of the murders
What is King Duncan's death?
Symbolizes the destruction of order in Scotland that can be restored only when Duncan’s line regains the throne
What is Masculinity v. gender?
The constant ridicule of others' manhood and how it goads aggresion emphasizes the theme of....
What is Macbeth's corruption?
Macbeth's gullible belief of the prophecies and meeting of the witches.
What is the reason why Macduff can defeat Macbeth?
Macduff was not born to woman but cut out of his mother's womb.
Who is King Duncan?
The model of a virtuous, benevolent, ambitious, and farsighted ruler; envied by Macbeth
What does the eclipse symbolize? ..."dark night strangles the traveling lamp,"
An allusion to the way the king Duncan's life has been extinguished (kings are often associated with the sun's power) and his power usurped by "darkness" (Macbeth)?
What is fate v. free will?
Although outside sources, such as the witches and Lady Macbeth, have an influence on Macbeth, he still intentionally deliberates before taking action, leaving the question unanswered at the end of the play.
What is the constant reference of night?
Foreshadowing of evil deeds soon to come.
Who is Young Siward?
The man Macbeth kills before he dies.


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