Miscellaneous Facts "To Be or Not To Be" - Billable or Not The Grid Examples of Samples - Pt. 1
What does MAA stand for?
The acronym for Medi-Cal Administrative Activities.
What is NOT?
I sent a student to the office for a bandaid.
What is the proper way to document time?
.25. .50, .75, 1.00
What is translated for school nurse to parents referring them to take child to a Medi-Cal covered mental health provider for screening of depression.
Code 12
Who can claim time in Code 15?
Only the MAA Coordinator can do this.
What is Billable?
Discussed with a parent the initial referral process for Medi-Cal covered speech therapy services.
How do you change the time on the grid to reflect each day's total hours worked if less than 8 hours?
Delete the or adjust the time on the Total Hours line at the bottom.
What is referred student with stomach pain to school nurse for Medi-cal covered services.
Code 4
What is the deadline to be trained each year in order to participate in MAA?
Before the start of the 3rd Quarter of each school year.
What is Billable?
Attended an SST meeting where an initial referral for Medi-Cal covered Speech Therapy assessment was made.
What do I do if I accidently sign the grid in BLACK ink?
Reprint the grid or write in BLUE ink under or near the signature.
What is Ongoing Referral, Coordination, & Monitoring of Medi-Cal Services?
Code 8
Who is elligible to participate in the MAA Time Survey?
Classified and Certificated staff who work directly with children and/or their families to inform them of, monitor and coordinate Medic-Cal covered services.
What is NOT?
Helped facilitate oral exams in the classroom provided by regional center hygienist.
What is the demographics section on the grid?
The top section of the grid which includes, hours worked, training date, name, job discription, claiming district, etc.
What is
Code 1
What is an example of a billable activity?
I attended a Student Study Team Meeting where a student's ongoing Medi-Cal covered services were discussed with the family.
What is Billable?
I held an IEP meeting where we discussed with the parent about her daughter’s Medi-Cal covered speech-language services.
What is PD?
Salaried or Certificated employees put this in the Normal Paid Work Hrs per Week space. It stands for Professional Day.

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