Organs | Immunity | Terminology | Prefixes and Suffixes | Antibodies |
What is the thymus?
a gland between the lungs and makes white blood cells
What is passive immunity?
obtained by receiving antibodies; since there is no antigen contact and no immune response occurs, no memory B cells are produced; this is short-term immunity
What is an antigen?
A substance that the body recognizes as foreign; evokes an immune response
What is immun/o?
What is antibody IgG?
found in tissue fluid and plasma, and defends against bacterial cells, viruses, and toxins; also activates complement
What is a spleen?
an abdominal organ involved in the production and removal of blood cells in most vertebrates and forming part of the immune system.
What is active immunity?
obtained through antigen exposure; an immune response occurs in the person, in which antibodies and memory B cells are produced; this is long-lasting immunity.
What is a cervical node?
Lymph nodes in the neck region
What is tox/o?
What is antibody IgM
found in plasma, activates complement, and contains Anti-A and Anti-B, which react with certain red blood cells during transfusions of mismatched blood
What is a lymph node?
A small bean-shaped structure that is part of the body's immune system, and contains white blood cells
What is immunity?
It can be acquired by natural events, such as getting a disease or induced artificially, by an injection.
What is a cytokine?
Proteins secreted by cytotoxic T cells to aid in antigen destruction
What is splen/o?
What are the methods of antibodies?
DIrect attack, activation of complement, inflammation
What is the lymphatic system?
organ system in vertebrates that is part of the circulatory system and the immune system
What is an immune response?
primary and secondary
What is an inguinal node?
Lymph nodes in the groin region
What is ana-?
again, and anew
What is antibody IdG?
found on the surface of most B lymphocytes, and functions in B cell activation
What is bone marrow?
the spongy tissue inside some of your bones
What is the classification for immunity?
Natural and Artificially
What is a macrophage?
Large phagocytes found in lymph nodes and other tissues of the body
What is inter-?
What is antibody IgE?
found on surfaces of basophils and mast cells; associated with allergic reactions