Functions of Lymph Nodes | Types of Antibodies | Practical Classification of Adaptive Immunity | Vocabulary |
What is filter lymph
Remove bacteria and cellular debris before lymph is returned to the blood
What is Immunoglobulin G
Is found in tissue fluid and plasma, and defends against bacterial cells, viruses, and toxins; also activates complement
What is Active Immunity
Is obtained through antigen exposure, an immune response occurs in the person, in which antibodies and memory B cells are produces. (Long-lasting immunity)
What is Adenoids
Mass of lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx
What is lymphocyte production
Lymph nodes are centers of what
What is IgA
Is found in exocrine gland secretions
What is Passive Immunity
Is obtained by receiving antibodies, since there is no antigen contact and no immune response occurs, no memory B cells are produced. (Short-term immunity)
What is cell-mediated immunity
T cells that respond to antigens and destroy them
What are lymphocytes
These attack viruses, bacteria, and parasitic cells that enter a lymph node
What is IgM
Is found in plasma, activates complement, and contains Anti-A and Anti-B, which react with certain red blood cells during transfusions of mismatched blood
What is Naturally acquired active immunity
Occurs after exposure to the antigen itself, long-term resistance results, due to the events of a primary immune response. (Memory B cells are produced)
What is complement system
Proteins in the blood that help antibodies and kill their target
What is immune surveillance
Monitor body fluids; performed by lymphocytes and macrophages
What is IgD
Is found on the surface of most B lymphocytes, and functions in B cell activation
What is Naturally acquired passive immunity
Occurs as antibodies are passed from mother to fetus, this is short-term immunity, due to lack of an immune response and lack of memory B cell formation
What is dendritic cell
Antigen-presenting cell; shows T and B cells what to attack
What are macrophages
Engulf and destroy foreign particles, debris, and damaged cells
What is IgE
Is found on surfaces of basophils and mast cells; associated with allergic reaction
What is Artificially acquired passive immunity
Involves the injection of gamma globulins containing antibodies or antiserum, this is short-term, because there was no antigen exposure, no immune response, and no memory B cells produced
What are interferons
Proteins secreted by T cells and other cells to aid and regulate the immune response