Intro knowledge | Immunity classification | Vocab | Vocab 2 | Medical Terminology |
What is Lymphatic Pathways?
They start as lymphatic
capillaries, that merge to form larger vessels, that empty into veins in the thoracic cavity |
What is Active Immunity?
Obtained through antigen exposure, long lasting immunity.
What is the function of a lymph trunk?
drain lymph from the lymphatic vessels
What are lymph nodes?
Contain lymphocytes and
macrophages, are located in groups or chains along lymphatic vessels |
What is immun/o?
How many layers to Lymphatic vessels have?
3 layers
What is Passive Immunity?
Obtained by receiving antigen, short term immunity.
What is Lymph?
tissue fluid that has entered a lymphatic capillary;
lymph formation depends on tissue fluid formation |
What is thr function of the filter lymph?
Remove bacteria and cellular debris before
lymph is returned to the blood |
What is lymph/o?
What is the function of Lymphatic Vessels?
Collect and carry away excess fluid from
interstitial spaces |
What is naturally acquired active immunity?
Occurs after exposure to the antigen itself, due to primary immune response.
What is hydrostatic pressure?
Drives the entry of
fluid into lymphatic capillaries |
What is immune surveillance?
Monitor body fluids; performed by
lymphocytes and macrophages |
What is tox/o?
What helps defend body against disease?
Organs, cells, and biochemicals of the lymphatic system
What is artificially acquired passive immunity?
Involves the injection of
gamma globulins containing antibodies or antiserum |
What is edema?
A condition that interferes with the flow in lymph will result in an accumulation of lymph in the interstitial spaces.
What is the function of a lymphocyte?
Attack viruses, bacteria and parasitic cells that
enter a lymph node |
What is ana- ?
What do lacteals transport?
Absorbed fats
How can immunity be acquired?
Through natural events, such as getting
a disease, or induced artificially, by an injection |
What is mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue?
Diffuse, unencapsulated lymphatic tissue associated with the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems
What is the function of a macrophage?
Engulf and destroy foreign particles, debris,
and damaged cells |
What is inter-?