Definitions | Function of the Lymph Nodes | Inflammation | Adaptive defenses | Anti-bodies |
What is the Lymphatic System?
Group of cells and chemicals that travel in lymphatic vessels, and organs & glands that synthesize them. Defends the body against disease.
What do the Lymph Nodes filter?
Bacteria and cellular debris from the lymph
What is Inflammation?
a tissue response to injury or infection
What is immunity?
response by the body against specific pathogens,
their toxins, or their metabolic products |
Most ubundant anti-bodies?
igG, igA, and igM
What are Lymphatic Capillaries?
Lymphatic capillaries are tiny, closed-ended tubes that
extend into interstitial spaces, paralleling the blood capillaries |
What performs Immune surveillance?
lymphocytes and macrophages
What is the function of inflammation?
to stop the spread of pathogens and infection
Performers in adaptive immune defences?
lymphocytes and macrophages
Where are igG, A, and M found?
igG is found in tissue fluid and plasma, IgA is found in exocrine gland secretions, and gM is found in plasma
What are the lymph nodes?
Larger lymphatic vessels pass through organs. contain both lymphocytes and macrophages; they filter the lymph as it flows through them, removing many pathogens
What do the Lymphocytes do?
attack viruses, bacteria and parasitic cells that
enter a lymph node |
What characterizes inflammation?
redness, swelling, heat, and pain
What are the antigens?
molecules that that can elicit an immune
response |
What is a direct attack by an antibody?
by agglutination, precipitation, or neutralization
of antigens |
What is Lymph?
tissue fluid that has entered a lymphatic capillary;
lymph formation depends on tissue fluid formation. |
What do the Macrophages do?
engulf and destroy foreign particles, debris,
and damaged cells |
What are three actions that occur in an inflammation?
Dialation of blood vessels, invasion of white blood cells, and increase of blood vessels.
What is the immune response directed at?
“nonself” molecules, which are usually large and complex foreign molecules
What is a activation of complement by an antibody?
results in opsonization, chemotaxis, inflammation, agglutination, neutralization, alteration, or lysis of antigens or antigen-bearing cells
What is the thymus?
soft, bi-lobed organ located behind the sternum, above the heart. It secretes hormones called thymosins, which influence the maturation of T lymphocytes
What are the lymph nodes the center of?
lymphocyte production
What do fibroblasts do in inflammation?
secrete chemicals that produce a sac around the
area to wall off infection |
Adaptive immune defences are what number in line of bodily defenses?
Third line of defense
What fraction of the plasma do the antibodies make up?
gamma globulin