Organs | Types of Immunity | Immunologic Responses | Classifications | |
What is Tonsils
Located in the throat or side of the mouth
What is types of immunities
Genetic immunity Acquired immunity
What is organ rejection
Recognition of donated organ as foreign
What is largest lymphoid organ in the body
Size of the spleen
What is first line of defense
Mechanical barriers chemical barriers and reflexes are
What is the Spleen
Removes RBCs and platelets
What is Immune globulin, antitoxins, antivenoms
What are examples of passive artificial immunity
What is diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis
What does DTP stand for
What is thoracic vein
most of the lymph drains into this large duct
What is hypothalamic thermostat
Medical term for a fever
What is Tonsils
Adenoids are also called
What is vaccine, medicine and toxoids
What are active artificial immunity
What is delayed reaction Anaphylaxis
Allergic reactions are...
What is spleen
the graveyard of the erythrocytes
What is redness, tenderness and redness
Define Inflammation
What is lymph nodes
cervical nodes, axillary and inguinal
What is naturally acquired active immunity
What is chickenpox an example of
What is immunity you acquire as you live
Define Acquired Immunity
What is empty lymph into these blood vessels
what is the job of the subclavian veins
What is interferons, and complement proteins
Example of protective proteins
What is Lymph nodes, Tonsils, Thymus gland, Spleen
What are the lymphoid organs
What is is a disease caused by an attack by the body’s own antibodies.
What is an autoimmune disease
What is antibody titer
refers to the numbers of antibodies
What is right lymphatic duct
What lymph is located on the right side of the body
What is second line of defense
Phagocytosis, inflammation, and Fever are all which layer of defense