Intro to Lymphatic System | Functions of Lymph Nodes | Types of Antibodies | Vocabulary | Suffixes and Prefixes |
collect and carry away excess fluid
What do the lymphatic vessels do?
What is filter lymph
What removes bacteria and cellular debris before lymph is returned to the blood?
What is Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
this is found in tissue fluid and plasma, and defends against bacterial cells, viruses, and toxins; also activates complement
What is adaptive immunity
The ability to recognize and remember specific antigens and mount an attack on them
What is -cytosis
condition of cells; slight increase in numbers
What are veins
The walls of lymphatic vessels are than what?
What is immune surveillance
What monitors body fluids and is performed by lymphocytes and macrophages?
What is IgA
This is found in exocrine gland secretions(breast milk, saliva, tears, nasal fluid, gastric and intestinal juices, bile, urine)
What is adenoids
This is mass of lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx
What is -globulin
What are lymph nodes
Larger lymphatic vessels pass through organs called?
What is lymphocyte production
Lymph nodes are also centers of what?
What is IgM
This is found in plasma, activates complement, contains anti-A and anti-B, which react with certain red blood cells during transfusions of mismatched blood
What is dendritic cell
Antigen-presenting cell; shows T and B cells what to attack
What is -oid
they drain lymph from the lymphatic vessels
What are the lymphatic trunks
What is lymphocytes
What attacks viruses, bacteria and parasitic cells that enter a lymph node?
What is IgD
This is found on the surface of most B lymphocytes, and functions in B cell activation
What is immunotherapy
Use of immune cells, antibodies, or vaccines to treat or prevent disease
What is ana-
up; apart; backward; again; anew
What are lymph nodes, the thymus, and spleen
What do the encapsulated lymphatic organs include?
What is macrophages
This engulfs and destroys foreign particles, debris, and damaged cells
What is IgE
This is found on surfaces of basophils and mast cells; associated with allergic reactions
What is interstitial fluid
Fluid in the spaces between cells; becomes lymph in lymph capillaries
What is retro-
behind; back; backward