Words with the prefix "un-" (not, lacking, opposite of) | Words with the prefix "auto-" (self, same) | Words with the suffix "-ance" (an action of state) | Emotion words that begin with the letter "A" | Social media acronyms/slang |
Smth not completed.
What does the word "unfinished" mean?
A car
What is an "automobile"?
The state or fact of being of great significance or value
Define "importance"
Feeling fear or anxiety; scared
Define "afraid"
Be right back
What does "BRB" stand for?
Not permitted by the legal system or rules
What does the word "unlawful" mean?
A device for flying an airplane without the need for a human in control
What is an "autopilot"?
The length of the space between two points
Define "distance"
Ready to attack or confront; hostile
Define "aggressive"
To be honest
What does "TBH" stand for?
Not probable, doubtful, not expected to happen
What does "unlikely" mean?
A device for producing a clear picture automatically (by itself)
What does "autofocus" mean?
The action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event
Define "attendance"
Feeling or showing fondness or tenderness
Define "affectionate"
In my opinion
What does "IMO" stand for?
Not good enough
What does "unsatisfactory" mean?
Smth that works by itself, with little or no human control
What does "automatic" mean?
The action of helping someone by sharing work
Define "assistance"
To love and respect (someone) deeply
Define "adore"
You only live once
What does "YOLO" stand for?
Not acting in a fair manner during a competition
What does "unsportsmanlike" mean?
The story of a person's life written by that person
What is an "autobiography"?
Lack of knowledge or information
Define "ignorance"
To cause (someone) to find something funny
Define "amuse"
Greatest of all time
What does "GOAT" stand for?